Monday, January 31, 2011

Goals of our project

Since our project leader Nisha has been working for our client for quite some time, she is very familiar with the business of our client. During the face to face meeting with our client -- Dr. Sara Chavarria, she explained to us what their current goals are, and what she aims for in our campaign.

The goals of our project are stated below:

1). To market these outreach activities to the right kind audience

For example, if a Summer Camp is organized by the Department of Science, it is open to the students belonging to the community at the University of Arizona. The Portal’s goal here is make sure that information about this activity is available to anyone from the community of Arizona (and the rest of the country, subject to the kind of event being organized) to be able to make use of the Summer Camp, being organized by the University of Arizona.

2). To ensure that everyone who conducts Outreach and Extension(which is estimated to be close to 200 users in (University of Arizona) are aware of this collaborative and join the same.

The UAforYou Portal can grow only if more members who conduct Outreach and Extension within the University join the portal and reach out to the community of Arizona by leveraging the marketing capabilities of the portal. This would be done by ensuring that users access the site and add their Outreach activity. However this goal is restricted to users at the university.